Call for papers – Hammamet 2023 (Tunisia)

The 6th International Colloquium on Language and Territory

At Hotel Royal (Hammamet)

June 26th – June 30th, 2023


The International Language and Territory colloquia, held in Sudbury (Canada, 2010) Tbilisi (Georgia, 2015), Kenitra (Morocco, 2017), Trento (Italy, 2019), and Montpellier (France, 2021) brought together a large number of researchers from all over the world to discuss various themes and contexts in which language and territory are interrelated. Since the Summit of the Francophonie will be held in Tunisia, we have decided to follow suit by organizing the sixth edition of the International Language and Territory Colloquium in Hammamet.

A key player in the history of the Mediterranean basin, its peoples and humanity, Tunisia has 3500 years of history, conceals infinite riches – civilizational, cultural, scientific and technical – whose memory is engraved in the languages ​​that have transmitted them over time and in the spirit that has shaped them as beautiful, complex, aggregated and varied, like sand roses. Tunisia, with intricate and complex meshes, echoes the interdisciplinary and relational foundations of the Language and Territory Colloquium.


The dual concepts of language and territory refer to social structuring, space and a sense of belonging. A historical approach to these notions reveals innovation and new practices in the societies that shape them. They are also highly polysemic terms with differing semantic contours according to usage, context, and aims. The representations they embody are sustained by underlying links and structures. Together, they evoke exchanges, movements, blending, but also withdrawal and conflict.

This colloquium will discuss the different ways in which languages and territories are linked, and vice versa, and will explore the political, social and economic stakes that arise from the relationships between them. Above all, these concepts refer to discrete social practices and representations at the core of the logic of territoriality. New territories give rise to new language practices, which in turn create new spaces, discourse and meaning.

The “boundaries” we draw between language(s) and territory(ies) are permeable in time and space; they depend on factors such as population displacement, language policies, linguistic and social representations, education, mass media and socio-cultural values.

For this 6th International Language and Territory Colloquium, we call for broad multidisciplinary topics in order to exchange views on the complexity of links and interfaces between language(s) / territory(ies). Examples of relevant topics include but are not limited to the following:  

  • Economy (including linguistic economy)
  • Education
  • First Nations (Natives and Aboriginals)
  • History
  • Identity
  • Language contacts
  • Language planning
  • Languages “without territory”, territories “without language”
  • Law and politics (including linguistic rights)
  • Linguistic conflicts
  • Linguistic engineering and computational linguistics
  • Linguistic minorities
  • Linguistic mobility and globalization
  • Literature (including literary geography)
  • Networks and society
  • Philosophy and religion
  • Sociolinguistics and urban ecology
  • Virtual and digital territories

To participate to the colloquium

You are invited to submit a proposal for an individual paper or a session. All proposals will undergo blind review. The deadline for individual or session presentation proposals is November 30th, 2022. Please forward your proposal, in the indicated form to:

Individual papers

Individual presentations are limited to 15 minutes and may be delivered in English, French or Arabic.

Please send proposals in Word format (font type and size Times Roman, 12 points) and include the following information:

  • Title (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.)
  • First Name
  • Last Name(s) (in upper-case letters)
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Postal address
  • E-mail
  • Status (faculty member, independent researcher, graduate student)
  • Title of paper: 20 words maximum
  • Abstract of the paper: 250 words maximum


Sixty-minute sessions are comprised of three speakers. Each presentation is limited to 15 minutes, followed by a 15-minute question period.

Please send proposals in Word format (font type & size Times Roman, 12 points), with the following information:

  • Title of the session: 20 words au maximum.
  • Description of the session: 250 words maximum.

Include the following information for each speaker:

  • Title (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.)
  • First Name
  • Last Name (in capitals)
  • Affiliated institution
  • Postal address
  • E-mail
  • Status: faculty member, independent researcher, graduate student
  • Title of paper: 20 words maximum
  • Abstract of the paper: 250 words maximum.


  • Submit a proposal:                  November 30th, 2022
  • Notification of acceptance:     December 20th, 2022
  • Start of registration:                March 3rd, 2023
  • Preliminary program:              May 1st, 2023


Following the colloquium, submitted articles will be peer-reviewed for publication in the Human Sciences Monographic Series. For more information, contact us at or consult the Web site of the Observatory of French Language in Ontario at

Organizing Committee

Carole Anderson (secretariat), Laurentian U. (Canada)

Julie Boissonneault. CRCCF, U. of Ottawa (Canada)

Ali Reguigui, Laurentian University (Canada)

Scientific Committee

Rim Abidi, Institut supérieur des langue de Gabès (Tunisia)

Olfa Abrougui, University of Tunis (Tunisia)

Gerardo Acerenza, Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)

Jacqueline Acquaviva-Bosseur, Università di Corsica (Corsica)

Salih Akin, Université de Rouen (France)

Rima Baraké, Université Libanaise Tripoli (Lebanon)

Boussad Berrichi, Carleton University (Canada)

Michel Bock, University of Ottawa (Canada)

Ahmed Boualili, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France)

Samira Boubakour, Universty Batna 2 (Algeria)

Claudine Brohy, Universität Freiburg (Switzerland)

Angela Buono, University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Italy)

Renée Corbeil, Laurentian Univerity (Canada)

Mzago Dokhtourichvili, Ilia State University (Georgia)

Hafida El Amrani, Université Ibn Tofaïl (Morocco)

Venant E. Eloundou, Université de Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)

Bernard Mulo Farenkia, Cape Breton University (Canada)

Yves Frenette, Université de Saint-Boniface (Canada)  

Roger Gervais, Université Sainte-Anne (Canada)

Anne Gilbert, University of Ottawa (Canada)

Amélie Hien, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada)

Lucie Hotte, University of Ottawa (Canada)

Uladzislaŭ Ivanoŭ, European Humanities University (Lithuania)

Simon Laflamme, Laurentian University (Canada)

Atinati Mamatsashvili, Ilia State University (Georgia)

Marcienne Martin, UQAT (Canada)

Leila Messaoudi, Université Ibn Tofaïl (Morocco)

Rozenn Milin, Université Bretagne-Loire, Rennes 2 (France)

Jean-Pierre Pichette, Université Sainte-Anne (Canada)

Bénédicte Pivot, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France)  

Valérie Raymond, Laurentian University / Lakehead University (Canada)

Brigitte Rigaux-Pirastru, Université d’Angers (France)

Liliane Rodriguez, University of Winnipeg (Canada)

Karim Salhi, Université M. Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria)

Mario Selvaggio, University of Cagliari (Italy)

Mohamed Sguenfle, Université Ibn Zohr (Morocco)ric

Trudel, Université de Moncton (Canada)

Élodie Vargas, Université Grenble Alpes (France)